District Profile
Madison County School District
P.O. Box 37, 800 Madison Street, Danielsville GA 30633
Phone: (706) 795-2191
Fax: (706) 795-5029, Office of Superintendent
Fax: (706) 795-5104, Business Operations
Fax: (706) 795-5029, Curriculum-Instruction
Office Location
800 Madison Street, Danielsville Map
Office of Superintendent: Dr. Jody Goodroe
Office of Asst. Superintendent for Business Operations: Mrs. Amanda Wommack
Office of Asst. Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction: Dr. Amanda Sailors
Office Hours:
Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Summer Hours - BOE offices and schools are open four ten-hour days each week during June and July. A summer calendar is posted in May.
For additional District information, contact:
Montie Burroughs
Board of Education
Secretary-Receptionist, BOE
(706) 795-2191 ext.1400