Media Center

ILA Librarian reading books to students

The school library media program supports and strengthens the curriculum, bridges the digital divide, and puts state and national standards into action. Our mission is to provide books that encourage reading for learning, reading for pleasure, and reading for life.

We are very proud of our library media center. We have over 7,000 books in our collection. We have four student computers and a ClearTouch panel that are used for instruction, as well as STEAM-based centers, including a Lego wall. All students in grades PreK - 5 visit the library media center bi-weekly for a 45-minute period during their grade’s “Specials” time. Students in kindergarten begin the year with checking out one book; two books after Christmas; Students in 1st and 2nd grades can check out two books, 3rd grade, three books, 4th grade, four books, and 5th grade, five books per week.

Ila Library Media Center does not charge overdue fines, but a $5.00 fee is charged if a book has minor damage, and the full replacement cost of a library-bound publication is charged for major problems or lost books. Students with lost or damaged book fines are not allowed to check out main circulation books, but can check out books from the ‘yellow spine’ shelf.

The library media center is open every day from 7:30-3:30. Students wishing to exchange books or take Accelerated Reader quizzes may come in after breakfast (if they are eating in the cafeteria). Parents are also invited to visit anytime as well as check out books for use at home.

Follow us us on Instagram: @ilamediacenter

Heather Hanley, Media Specialist  706 789-3445 ext. 1706